Circular Construction Copilot

About the project

To boost the systemic transformation by shortening the learning curve for all industry stakeholders, the Circular Construction Copilot project is introducing digital means for dynamic knowledge sharing in the AECO (Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Operation) industry, adapted to the specific needs of planners engaged in circular and sustainable construction.

1. Problem: Learning by doing is not fast enough for the circular economy to succeed

The topic of the sustainable and circular construction is becoming increasingly relevant and practical at the same time. However, there are still many uncertainties especially surrounding circular construction, and this is likely to remain the case for a long time to come as developments are dynamic. It is clear that the traditional process of learning from experience to achieve change is not a promising strategy in an environment where new insights and learning experiences are constantly being made.

2. Solution: AI backed knowledge hub for a circular construction industry

Organisations that want to deliver outstanding services in terms of sustainable and circular construction need to find ways to keep their entire workforce up to date – this is why they need access to the latest information, also to the one that is not explicitly documented.

To help people to firstly stay up-to-date and secondly exchange experiences in a forward thinking manner, we introduce the Circular Construction Copilot.

1️⃣ You can try the prototype of the chatbot here

Disclaimer: we only provided 20 documents as a knowledge base, which limits the capabilities of the bot for now.

2️⃣ You can check out the prototype of the Q&A Forum here

3. concept: empowering people through a technology backed community

Public, AI driven chatbots like ChatGPT are great. But they have shortcomings. You do not know where the information is coming from and you cannot improve the quality of the answers. We adress these shortcomings by adding an extra layer of curated information on top of the powerful large language models.

Still, answers might be not correct or sufficient to your needs. To be able to ask an expert community for better hints regarding your problem, we added a forum to discuss your questions in more detail – across companies and trades.

4. what's in for you?

The use of the CCCopilot is free of charge for everyone. You can use the chatbot and the forum to get valuable hints for specific questions across all project phases. By enganging with the Copilot, you help pushing the industry to a more sustainable practice, which will help you to achieve your ESG targets.

Are you an organisation that publishes information about projects, processes or products? 👉 With the CCCopilot, you can reduce your communication efforts up to 80% and gain increased visibility.

Are you an organisation that deals with sustainable construction and are you considering to build up some sort of knowledge management to do it better? 👉 With the CCCopilot, you can cut your efforts by 50%.

4. next steps: Official Launch

The project has been developed with the support of the Innosuisse Circular Building Industry Booster. Right now, we are building a core team of a variety of partners to enter the next stage: the public launch.

You want more details? Please get in touch if you want to know more about the partnership program: